quiet air purifier
for home, office and school

have elements of AI, does not require replaceable HERA-filters and UV lamp

  • kills viruses (including coronaviruses);
  • provides a high level of air purification from smoke, petroleum, formaldehyde, bacteria and fungi (moulds). Can reduce the concentration of microorganisms by a million times;
  • removes up to 99.98% of air pollutants with particle sizes more than 0,3 micron. For allergy sufferers, this is a true miracle!;
  • neutralizes odours;
  • cleans 200 cu. meters of air per hour;
  • has a very low ozone release rate of 0.03 ppm;
  • has a low noise level;
  • you can customize the color of the body of the device;
  • can be disinfected;
  • does not require replaceable HEPA filters and UV lamps;
  • the device's maintenance is simple: two cartridges and two filters are washed with household detergent, dried, and inserted into the device. One additional filter is regenerated in the open air, according to the User's Manual;
  • works from the mains 220V (110V-230V by order), 50Hz;
  • has a low power consumption (60W);
  • dimensions (length, width, height), mm:375×410×790;
  • net weight no more than 30 kg.
  • the principle of operation of the air cleaner is electrostatic with forced air circulation.
As a result of the experiment, it was proven that the air purifier, manufactured in accordance with TU U 27.5-2639012639-002:2022, effectively neutralises both enveloped viruses (influenza virus) and non-enveloped viruses that are persistent in the environment (adenovirus type 5) after only 30 minutes of operation of the device. Accordingly, the air purifier will neutralise less resistant viruses that can be in the air, in particular: measles virus, epidemic mumps, rhinovirus, MS virus, metapneumovirus, bocavirus, human coronavirus, including SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19, and other..."

Report of the Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases named L. V. Gromashevsky of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
“To study the level of air contamination by microscopic fungi and bacteria under the action of an air purifier for residential, commercial and industrial premises (TU U 27.5-2639012639-002:2022), test cultures of bacteria Escherichia coli B-906 and Staphylococcus aureus B-904 and microscopic fungi Aspergillus niger F-16693 and Cladosporium cladosporioides F-396... (test cultures of bacteria at a concentration of 1.0×10 7 con /cm3 and micromycetes - 1.0×10 6 con/cm3)...
Even with such high air contamination, this device can reduce the concentration of microorganisms by a million times, which determines the prospects of its use even in rooms with a high level of air contamination with both microscopic fungi and bacteria."

Report of the D.K.Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Air purifier for residential, commercial and industrial premises “AIRCLEANER.PRO”

(TU U 27.5-2639012639-002:2022)

  • The outer body of the device is made of wood. Select the number corresponding to the desired color of the device in the photo. Your monitor may not reflect the actual color of the product, and it may vary slightly from the actual product, but not significantly.

The color            Article №

Н6088        4821084100013

Н1122       4821084100020

Н3008       4821084100037

Н1176       4821084100044

Н4007       4821084100051

Н3980       4821084100068

Н3156       4821084100075

Н7098       4821084100082

Н5018       4821084100099

S7502-B   4821084100105

9003         4821084100112

S2502B     4821084100129

S1502       4821084100136

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Phone: +380503105489


The postal address: Sonyachna str. 24, Brovary city, 07400, Kyiv region, Ukraine

Manufacturer: "Prommetcomposite" LLC